आज - 15 ऑक्टोबर - Western Ghats... ,'ne'...The Konkan...! ------------------------------

Western Ghats... ,'ne'...The Konkan...!


Western Ghats... with the proud coastal line of over 700 kms is what THE  KONKAN  is...! 


Konkan  is only... one of it's kind in the whole Nation...! 


Konkan  has.... 

History & historical places with the world famous personalities... like Shivaji Maharaj & Lokmanya Tilak...! 


Konkan  has...

The history with the ancient forts with a lot of stories of pride... 


Konkan  has... 

The serene coasts & beaches... & has places serving authentic sea foods & there beaches tempting for the scooba diving & has under water 'Marine fish emporium....! 


Konkan  has beautiful temples of Lord Ganesha, Rama,Krishna & Shiva.


Konkan  has many a Educational Institutions... 


Konkan  is the place of saints, Hindu philosophers Divinity & Daieties 


Konkan  has a famous long ranges of Sahyadri...


Konkan  has',- Bio Diversity. 

Lush green farms of rice... mangoes, Jack fruits  & cashew nuts....


Konkan  has a combination of variety of languages & it changes... after every 20 kms...! 


KONKAN  is blessed with beauty & humaity...


A lot can be mentioned... but it's just a 'snap shot' !! 


Konkan   is a  place . not to be  only told but to be   experienced...by  visiting here..!!


माहिती  संकलन  - दत्तात्रय विनायक गोगटे,  रत्नागिरी 

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